Monday, October 25, 2010

Family Halloween/Birthday Party

There were Panda Bears...

and a nurse with her patient...

and a cowboy with his princess...

and a tourist with his cute pregnant skeleton wife and baby...

and a scary screamer...

and a biker dude with his 100 dollar bill
 (but really, my mom is priceless... awwww)

and there was a man... with a nice 'stache.

 And one more of the cute pandas....

Happy Halloween!

Sunday, October 24, 2010


Thank you for the explanation, I was a little confused at first.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Friday, October 22, 2010

Baby Shower

Last Saturday we held an open house baby shower for Hope. It turned out great if I do so say myself, which I do. Hope got tons of cute outfits for the baby, now we just gotta wait for her to come so she can wear them :)
Yummy food!
We're going to be the coolest aunts ever!

Yeah for diaper genies!
Natalie and I sewed this quilt and everyone tied it and it turned out so cute.


Wednesday, October 20, 2010

This sweet baby girl should arrive any day! We are all so excited to finally meet her! And I'm sure Hope is excited to not be pregnant anymore. She is going to be the best mommy.

Hurry up little girl!

Monday, October 18, 2010

Thoughts From the Fingerprinting Room

I think I just fingerprinted the lumber jack guy from Brawny Paper Towels.... 

I hope he didn't notice the stash of Costco brand paper towels on the shelf...

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Sometimes I narrate my whole day in my head,,,
 ...with the voice of Bear Grylls... 
''She li-erally has mountains of homework and will get li-erally no sleep''

Monday, October 4, 2010

This is me...
...loving school
...hating homework
...loving the idea of having money in my checking AND savings accounts
...hating the thought of paying off student loans
...loving that Reese is saving America and being able to pay for his mission from all his hard work
...missing him like CRAZY
...loving the thoughts of two sweet baby girls headed my family's way
...hating not having the time to sew and sew and sew quilts and quilts and quilts for them
...enjoying planning baby showers
...anxiously waiting to hold those sweet babies and smell their new baby smell
...loving thinking about the future, my life, things I want to do
...hating getting back to the reality of homework I should be doing right now...
...being grateful that I get to go to school so I can become that teacher I have dreamed of becoming
...on that note...I am headed back to the homework world with a more positive attitude.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

summer, summer, summer

Summer in photographs....
in NO particular order...
I don't have time to put them in order as you can tell...
 I don't even have time to post summer pictures during the summer....
oh well!


 That's all Folks!