Sunday, August 21, 2011

don't even worry....

I start teaching in less than 48 hours.
I meet all of my students in less than 24 hours.
I can't believe the school year is really here!
If I can make it through the first day, everything will be okay.
Here we go!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

a few good things

-Summer semester is over and done... hallelujah!

-Getting my classroom as ready as possible for my soon-to-be 2nd graders.
Here is my almost finished reading corner.... I love it! 
Thank you to the Turners for the adorable barn book shelf

-Bike rides with the brother in the summer moonlight... so refreshing and relaxing.

-Colorful sunsets photographed with new phone (also a good thing.)

-Walks with a good friend that last for hours because our conversation is just too good to end.

-Home made vanilla ice cream topped with strawberries, in a super cool bowl with a handle!

-News from a busy missionary who is loving the 110 degree weather in Tucson.

-Working out with the sister for a whole hour and feeling it for the next two days.

-Seeing my lovely nieces grow up like crazy: crawling, talking, doing alphabet puzzles....

-Feeling more like my happy, positive self who realizes more of 
the "good things" in my life everyday.