Yesterday was a complete success! I liked every class and even got a nice break in the library to relax, snack and study for the Praxis. My favorite class was definitely Exceptional Students. I will learn how to work with students in my classroom who need a little more attention than others, whether they are a little slower than others or a little above average. The teacher for this class seems really fun and I am really excited to get started!
My short ride home was accompanied by my new favorite Train song- Hey, Soul Sister, on replay. I really like that song. Alot. I ate some dinner, watch some tv with Ethan, then did some yoga and read my scriptures. I am reading the Pearl of Great Price, probably my favorite. I read Joseph Smith History, it was glorious.
Today I have already attended my new 7 AM Aerobics class, during which we did indeed work-out. I guess everyone else was thinking like me and didn't think we would exercise, and therefore was not dressed appropriately. I figured we would go over a syllabus and kind of introduce the class, but I was wrong. Dead wrong. We got right into kicking and punching and abs and all the other super fun stuff. In jeans. So much for showering and doing make up this morning.
And the best part of my new class: the class before is a yoga class. Not any yoga class, but a HEATED yoga class, where they room is about 90 degrees. So yeah, that was super fun working in jeans and a sweater inside a 90 degree room. Next week I will be prepared.
Speaking of prepared: I'm going to be prepared to kick some serious butt by the end of this semester! Me and Reilly, my bestest friend, are taking kickboxing together. LEGIT kickboxing! I have to go buy gloves, shin guards, and a mouth guard next weekend. I'm freaking excited! watch out for me!
we are so going to bust a move!