Today I learned that I do not have my 8 AM health class on Fridays which means my first class is not 'till 10. I wish I had learned this before getting out of bed at 7. On the bright side, I got a good parking spot and I won't be late for math!
I had my first class of Public Speaking yesterday and it wasn't too bad. The teacher seems cool and I'm going to try and keep myself from freaking out at the thoughts of giving several speeches to an audience. So you know when people talk a lot and get those yucky spit accumulations on the sides of their mouth? And all you want to do is tell them to go like this (fingers wiping corners of mouth)? Well, my speech teacher had one right, smack dab in the middle of his bottom lip. I couldn't stop staring. I hardly remember a thing he said for like twenty minutes. He would occasionally pick up his Pepsi bottle and I got hopefully that after having a drink that annoying little spit spot would magically disappear. He never had a drink! He would pick up the bottle, hold it for a second or two, then put it back on the desk. It was driving me nuts! That, combined with the squeaky whistling of the air vent, was too much for me. I was probably the second one out of that classroom.
Maybe if these type of distractions continue I won't ever have to sit and worry about the speech I have to give. Maybe.
I ran 2 mile yesterday. Well, 1.93 miles or so. I had about 3 minutes left of my 30 minute run, when my clumsy arm bumped the emergency cord. That cord that you are supposed to attach to yourself in the event that you fall off the treadmill and the machine will immediately stop. I hate that stupid thing! I never use it, instead I have it sitting in the cup holder. Anyway, I bumped the cord and it came unhooked, erasing my entire work out and infuriating the runner. I showered and felt much better!
Today I am feeling my aerobics class and my run. It feels good!
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